New Inventory Available

Hobby Boxes Available for the Best Prices.

Have Cards or Collectibles to Sell?

Our team is always looking to buy collections, individual singles / slabs, and more. If you're interested, please stop by our North Canton location or email us at with pictures and prices of the items you're looking to sell.


Products and break cards will ship the next business day.


Competitive pricing and will typically be below "the others."

Customer Service

We will do everything to make your experience the best possible.
Ryan S.Customer

"My son & I choose to give our business to Shag Sports Cards. It's very simple really. They put in the effort to get to know you & treat you like a member of the family! Fire Cards, Great Customer Service,  Trusted Friends!"

Craig D.Customer

"Being newer to rippin packs, SHAG has been great for a beginner to learn the ropes. Their live breaks are fun and interactive between the users and the SHAG team keeping things entertaining while chasing glory."

Kevin D.Customer

"I love the energy of the SHAG team. They make an effort to involve the customers and always ask what they can do to better their experience. I look forward to their weekly breaks."

Andrew S.Customer

"SHAG put on a show with a great break, fast shipping, and great packaging. I'm a repeat customer!"

Carter A.Customer

"I will only use SHAG after having a card damaged in the mail, and them replacing it immediately, awesome customer service and professional breaks!"